Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Finger Dexterity and more

A lot has been happening with me the past week. On Tuesday (March 16th) I started signing "all done". I've also started to dance to music. And within the past few days I've began honing on my pointer finger dexterity. I like sticking my finger into things, try to point to things in books, try to pin things down with my pointer finger and last night mastered turning off the light switch. I was so proud!
I'm still not crawling, but I can move slightly, from a seated position, I rock forward on one knee, throw out my other leg and dig with that heel in order to move about 1/2 an inch. It's very slow moving but I am not interested in moving all that much.
Pulling myself up to standing however I'm working on. I did it twice on march 13th. My sister Emmy was the first to see it and ran out of the room to get Mommy and Daddy.

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