Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm 4 month's old

What I'm doing at 4 months:
~I wear 6 month clothes, 3-6 months in onesies but for my long legs I need 6 month size.
~Diapers are Size 3
~According to my 3 month appointment, I'm 16 pounds, 5.4oz. And 25.5 inches. My mommy remeasured me because it seemed the height was off. She got somewhere between 26.5 or 27 inches.
~I'm moving all over. I scoot in my bed and wake up when my head hits the end. When laying on the floor I turn 360 degrees. I'm not rolling anymore but can still move all over.
~Sleep this month wasn't so great. I caught another cold from my sister and so I started waking up more often at night and then my longest sleep became 6.5-7.5 hours.
~I'm grabbing things, laughing and trying to put everything in my mouth.

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