Wednesday, November 25, 2009

SLO "Girl's" trip + Family

Every year my Mommy and her friends from college meet in San Luis Obispo to hang out. This year since she had me and her friend had a baby the day before I was born, they decided to make it a family trip. Their friends from LA area wanted to meet us. Splash Cafe
Josh and I (he's a day older than I am.)

Tim, Katie, Josh, Daddy, Me, Erin, Analisa, Emmy and Mommy

Swinging with my sister at Pismo Beach


Lounging in my bouncer this morning

Grabbing my toes

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My first haircut

My hair was getting long so when my Auntie Katie came for the weekend I got my haircut. (She's a hair stylist.) Before
During (I didn't like getting my hair cut)


Yay, hair out of my eyebrows!

Photos from my sister's birthday

Just a couple of random photos from my sister's birthday party. Most of the pictures are of her...well it was her day. Showing Uncle Dusti how I put both hands in my mouth.
In the bounce house with Daddy

Watching my sister make her cupcakes.

I'm 4 month's old

What I'm doing at 4 months:
~I wear 6 month clothes, 3-6 months in onesies but for my long legs I need 6 month size.
~Diapers are Size 3
~According to my 3 month appointment, I'm 16 pounds, 5.4oz. And 25.5 inches. My mommy remeasured me because it seemed the height was off. She got somewhere between 26.5 or 27 inches.
~I'm moving all over. I scoot in my bed and wake up when my head hits the end. When laying on the floor I turn 360 degrees. I'm not rolling anymore but can still move all over.
~Sleep this month wasn't so great. I caught another cold from my sister and so I started waking up more often at night and then my longest sleep became 6.5-7.5 hours.
~I'm grabbing things, laughing and trying to put everything in my mouth.