Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Giants Game

I attended my first Giants game on April 25th. It was also my first train ride (Caltrain). I met up with my extended family there for a birthday party for my Uncle Matthew. The Giants played against the Cardinals and lost. It was a fabulous day for a game, and quite hot which is surprising for San Francisco.
Waiting for CaltrainWe had to sit on the floor of the bike car because the train was so full!
Being held by Uncle Matthew
The game is starting to wear on me. It was during my nap time and it was just too hot to nap!
Lola came too
Train ride home.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mommy's Races

Mommy had two back to back 1/2 Marathons in April. Here is what I do during her races.
Drive the car
Cheer her on
Get some rest
Play in the car (it was raining during this race)
Tell her congrats!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Evolution of Crawling

April 10, 2010

April 19, 2010

April 24, 2010


My meeting with the Easter bunny. I wasn't all that thrilled.

But I really liked what the Easter bunny gave me.

Playing with my friend Connor, we had an easter egg hunt at their house.

The rest of the day was spent with Yamma and Nonno too.
Happy Easter!

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Good Friday my parents had the day off so they took me, Emmy and my grandparents to Monterey Bay Aquarium

Thursday, April 1, 2010

9 Month's Old!!

Emmy keeping me entertained during the photo shoot.
~Wearing 12 month clothing (some 9 month onesies)
~Size 3 diapers
~Working up to 5 teeth now. 2 bottom, 3 on top.
~Starting to kinda crawl (don't know what to call it but I'm moving)
~Pulled myself up to standing
~Got my first freckle
~Love my push buggy! I love riding in it.
~Started dancing...bopping to music
~Still working on my sleep...drives my parents nuts how I don't sleep well. Still up 2-3 times a night. Usually around midnight, 3am and 6am.
~Eating has improved, am eating meats now. Unfortunately I had a reaction to yogurt, my cheeks and hand turned really red but it went away in about an hour.