Sunday, February 28, 2010

Finishing off Feb photos

Me all cute at SadieDey Cafe in Oakland. My mommy took me to meet up with some of her mom's group friends.
Surrounded by the ladies!

Logan's 1st birthday party

Walk around the neighborhood
Emmy and Mommy put this hat on me. Used to be Emmy's. Even in a pink frilly hat I still look like a boy.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2nd Haircut

I needed a haircut. My bangs were in my eyes again. So on our way down from Tahoe we stopped by for lunch with Auntie Katie and she did a quick trip of them in the parking lot.BeforeDuringAfter

Tahoe Trip

I spent President's Day weekend in Lake Tahoe. Sledding with my sister. This was right before she pushed me face first in the snow.

Giving my Mommy open mouthed kisses
Lola watched us while my parents went snowboarding.

Hanging at the timeshare

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

7 Months Old

~2 teeth! Both bottom
~Not sleeping well still
~Wearing size 3 diapers
~Size 9-12 month clothes
~Sits well on own